Oneida Community Mansion House exists
thanks to the many individual donors like you.
Please scroll down to become a member to support OCMH
Make a Donation
Contributions of any kind provide vital support to preserve the collections, care for the building and lawns and gardens, and offer innovative programming for children and adults. Oneida Community Mansion House is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our EIN number is: 22-2825570.
Contact Christine Hall O'Neil, Executive Director, to discuss your annual, capital, or estate gifts at 315-363-0745. ​
To discuss your capital or bequest giving interests, please contact Executive Director Christine Hall O'Neil, directly.
Become a Member
Become a member of Oneida Community Mansion House and help to preserve and interpret this National Historic Landmark! You may safely make membership payments and contributions online by using the Donate and Buy Now buttons. Once you click on a button you will be able to pay with a credit card or PayPal. Thank you!
Basic Benefits of Membership
Confidence that you are helping to preserve a National Historic Landmark and important 19th and early 20th-century cultural narratives, art and material culture.
Free admission and tours*
10% discount in the Mansion House store
Subscription to the Oneida Community Journal
Free use of the gardens, grounds and trails
Invitation to the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Use of the Residents' Library
Notification to all museum exhibits and special events
*excludes special tours and events
Membership Levels
$30 - Student

$50 - Individual
All the basic benefits of membership.

$250 - Contributor
All benefits of the Associate level plus
a 20% discount on Mansion House guest rooms (some restrictions apply).

$75 - Family/Household
All Basic benefits for two adults and children under the age of 18.

$500 - Donor
All benefits of Contributor membership plus behind the scenes tour with the Curator and one free Family/Household membership to present as a gift.
An invitation to the 1862 Society Reception.

$125 - Associate
All benefits of the Family/Household level plus North American Museum Reciprocal Membership (more than 1,000 participating museums).

$1,000 - Benefactor
All benefits of the Donor level plus a complimentary overnight stay at the Inn (non-transferable). An invitation to the 1862 Society Reception.

Mansion House Business Partners
Because the arts and culture are essential to the long-term economic development of the area, the Oneida Community Mansion House invites business organizations to become Business Partners. This membership group gives local businesses access to the Landmark site, opportunities to network within the community, and a visible opportunity to support this National Historic Landmark. Call 315-363-0745 for further information.
If you would like to support OCMH by volunteering, please check out our Volunteer Opportunities.
Oneida Community Mansion House does not sell or trade donor information for any reason.​