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Image of the Old Library in the Oneida Community Mansion House displaying books on the wooden shelves with light brown wooden arches


Historic Rooms


Several historic rooms have been preserved in their original state or restaged to approximate their appearance during the height of the Oneida Community. These rooms include the Big Hall, the Old Library, Cabinet of Curiosities, the Upper Sitting Room, a Sleeping Room, and the Nursery Kitchen.

View of the Historic Big Hall

Interpretive Exhibits


Our rotating exhibits explore different aspects of the Oneida Community, Oneida Ltd., and their legacies.

NEW: Oneida Ltd.: More Than a Silverware Company

The first exhibition showcasing the stories of the employees, families, and community members whose lives were shaped by the iconic silverware company. Discover the ways Oneida Ltd.’s legacy lives on today in modern businesses, the surrounding community, and the Mansion House itself.  


This interactive exhibit includes a digital component available at the Mansion House and online! Connect with the people behind the stories or share some of your own.  Click here to access the stories, videos, and photos of life at Oneida Ltd.

Oneida Ltd Exhibition display of Spoon Drawers
One Community Many Lives Family Photo

One Community, Many Lives

Each of the nearly 300 people who made up the Oneida Community had a unique experience living here. This scavenger-hunt style exhibit sheds light on some of those people whose stories have remained under-told. As you explore the Mansion House, learn more about the complicated and vitally important individuals who made up the Oneida Community.

James R. Colway: From Central New York to the World

James R. Colway rose to prominence as a leading advertising executive for Oneida Ltd. as well as a renowned landscape painter. This exhibit showcases twelve Colway paintings that highlight his primary muse: the beautiful rural landscapes of Central New York. Visitors will not only view these beautiful works, but also learn about how these paintings traveled the world through the “Art in the Embassies” program in the mid-20th century.

James R. Colway Art in the Embassies Exhibitn
Jessie Catherine Kinsley Braiding Exhibit

The Braidings of Jessie Catherine Kinsley

The braided rag rug is thought to be a distinctively American craft developed during the early 1800s. Around 1918, an artist born in the Oneida Community transformed rug-making into the creation of braided tapestries. Trace the evolution of Jessie Kinsley’s art from childhood experiences with textile work in the Oneida Community to formal art training from Kenneth Hayes Miller, an influential figure in twentieth-century American art. Take in exquisite silk braidings unique to a descendant of the Oneida Community. 

Oneida Game Traps, 1852-1925: The Edward J. Knobloch Collection

A connoisseur's collection of the traps sold by the Oneida Community, which are still considered the world's best. 

Newhouse Traps Oneida Game Traps
Oneida Industries innovation display

Oneida Industries

The success of the Oneida Community was driven by industry: animal traps, silk thread, fruit preserves, and more By vote, the successful utopia turned itself into a company that became the largest silverware manufacturer in the world. Both made a profit and both bettered the lives of their employees. Together they are a 180-year story of industry, idealism, innovation, and entrepreneurial savvy.

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