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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Discover a one-of-a-kind theatrical experience as you enter the story of the Nutcracker...told as you've never seen it before.
Breadcrumbs Productions and the Oneida Community Mansion House invite you to a one-of-a-kind theatrical experience. "Marie and the Nutcracker Prince" is an immersive theatrical journey inspired by the dark and intriguing origins of E.T.A. Hoffman's original tale. Immersed in a dreamscape Russia on the brink of revolution, audiences will choose their own pathways and allegiances through the space.
We meet Marie (an imaginative young woman on the precipice of adulthood), her Godfather (a mysterious and eccentric inventor), and the Revolutionary (a bold soldier with a plan that could very well turn life upside down for Marie and her family). The boundary between imagination and reality blends as political, familial, and mental unrest come to a climax, and all lose sight of what and who can be trusted.
The show will be presented at the Oneida Community Mansion on Sunday, December 8 at 6:30pm. Tickets are $20 and available through Eventbrite